Photovoice: What is it?

Photovoice is a process by which populations and communities can capture and record their life experiences through photography and stories. All programs and researchers have blind spots and assumptions that prevent us from providing the most effective interventions for those in need. Photovoice enlightens us all on the realities of health issues and how they are experienced by communities day-to-day.

These projects are developed with community members utilizing a community based participatory research design. The projects are driven by the participants and community. The projects can be adapted to shed light on any issues that is of concern for a community. Photovoice includes regular group discussion about the photographs and what they mean.

The photographs and stories are presented to the community in order to raise awareness and influence policy makers from the communities perspective.

Who is involved in conducting a photovoice project?

Community members who are interested in expressing their concerns about their environment, health, community through photography. Photovoice generally has been used for marginalized groups of various ages that want their perspective seen and heard by those in power.

What assistance with Photovoice is included?

Group training:

• Trust building, defining photo subject matter and protocols

• Training on photography techniques

  • IRB review application development of consents and media waiver forms

Photography and discussion:

• Select and discuss photos, agreed upon meeting location

• Prepare for the exhibit, identify common themes, and receive training on facilitation.

Community exhibit & dialogue with leaders:

• Invite policy makers and influential community members.

• Include students in data collection and group facilitation

Photovoice: Articles

Camille A. Sutton-Brown (2014) Photovoice: A Methodological Guide, Photography and Culture, 7:2, 169-185, DOI: 10.2752/175145214X13999922103165

Strack, R.W., Magill, C. & McDonagh, K. (2004). Engaging youth through photovoice. Health Promotion Practice, 5 (1), 49‐58.

Wang, C., Kun Yi, W., Wen Tao, Z., & Carovano, K. (1998). Photovoice as a participatory health strategy. Health Promotion International, 13(1), 75‐86.

Wang, C., & Redwood‐Jones, Y. (2001). Photovoice ethics: perspectives from flint photovoice. Health Education and Behavior, 28(5), 560‐572.

Other resources:

From Snapshot to Action,’s%20Manual.pdf

Photovoice Hamilton,

Photovoice Guidance: 10 simple steps to involve children in needs assessments (Save the Children)

Photovoice: Presentation

See one of our Principals at work presenting on a photovoice project.

Aging in Rural Areas: Pat Justis, MPH and Anna Tresidder, MPH, PhD